I haven't had much to blog lately. I don't know why really. Do you ever get so busy and so wrapped up into things that you forget about other things? I think this has been one of those 'other things' that I forget about. I have been 'twittering' as you see from the column on the right; so I do update but in a much more compact manner. :)
This week is pretty busy with people coming into town for work for meetings. Then, next week, I have to travel for a few days. Nothing too far, but you still have to get in the car and drive longer than your normal 15 minute commute to work!
BIG NEWS! My good friend Randy and his wife Kate had a little baby girl, Norah Kate this past week. I've known Randy since 1989. Hard to believe that the kid that I played GI Joes & caught crawfish in the creek by our house with is now a father, a dad. He'll be a great one, I'm sure of it. I think we both knew that he would be having kids some day... still crazy though that it's now happened. And, another little nugget: they'll be moving to Phile soon so they'll be a lot closer to us! Pretty sweet. I was pulling for the actual Lancaster area for them to move to, but I guess 1.5 hours is better than 3.5 hours for visit!!!
Best be off... have a good one!
My website here.
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