Friday, January 2, 2009

Internet's down

So, I came to work today.  And I haven't been able to do too much because the internet's down.  I know that seems kind of silly, but it's true.  Our bank, which used to be American Home Bank, N.A., is now, American Home Bank, a division of First National Bank of Chester County. 
With the name change, I'm supposed to go onto my website and print out all of the pages and make notes one what needs to change (logos, text, etc.).  Well, the internet's down.  I can't.  Also, I have a bunch of marketing materials that need to be pulled and reworked since the logo and name change.  I can't.  I came to work today to do those two things and it's a bust.
What other things can't I do?  Well, our loan software utilizes third-party systems that are accessed through... wait for it... the internet.  Did I mention the internet at work is down?  I can't order credit reports, nor run automated underwriting.  Luckily, I'm a eager hardworking lad and I asked for something to do.  Now, I'm working on some cost analysis due diligence thing that I can't discuss. 
How did we work without the internet??
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Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas is over.

Christmas is over :( BOO! It went really quick this year, and it really didn't feel like Christmas time. This is Oliver hanging out after everyone has gone. To say the least, it was some trauma for the little guy this past week. First there was a dog in the house who wanted to play (note: cats do not play with dogs), and then a small and energetic boy came. Needless to say, Oliver stayed on our bed high above both for several days.

Don't forget to visit my photoblog here.
And my Flickr account here.

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