Saturday, September 20, 2008

I think these old barns are really cool. This one in particular is from the 1800's with some updates added to it. I particularly like the cut opens for ventilation. This is one of many of 1000s of tobacco barns that are in Lancaster County, PA.

I got up extra early today and fertilized the yard and washed the car. All exciting, I know... so, now I have to hang a canoe in the garage, finish the car up and hopefully get out for some exercise somewhere. A. and I are celebrating our 6th anniversary this weekend, so we'll have some good grub tonight when we go out to dinner; Rosa Rosa Restorante Italiano.

Enjoy your day!

Don't forget to visit my photoblog here.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mowing in the fall

Isn't it unbelievable how frequently you have to mow in the fall? All of a sudden, the grass decides to take on a life of its own and it's hard to keep up! I just got back from NC on Sunday night, mowed on Monday morning and I did it again this evening! (Monday, I had to mow twice since it was so high.)

I digress. I've picked up a new t.v. show this fall and dropped Heroes. Heroes is a good show, but I can't keep up with it on the day that it's on and I have usually watched 1 show earlier that night so it makes me think I've seen enough t.v. by that point. The new show is Fringe on Fox. It's a bit X-Files-ish/CSI/Knight Rider(the older good one)/A-team-ish. Yeah, hard to believe a show with that mix would actually be good, but it is!

I got A.'s big 3-0 present today. She's either going to be excited or upset; t-minus 7 days til we find out which one it will be!

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Great website

I found a great website today pre-work hours whilst browsing the internet. It's a photographer's website and he offers many tips and tricks on all things photographic. His website:

A. and I went out last night as part of her 30-days of surprises. The original intent was going to the Country Barn & Market, and go into the pumpkin patch and get our own pumpkins. They only do that on Saturdays. Strike one. Well, this was a two part surprise; the other part was to do country line dancing. There was supposed to be an hour beginning of instruction and then they let you loose! We got into the big barn to get our country line learning on... these people that were already there - pros. Seriously, if there is a pro country line dancing circuit, these people were on it. We watched for a little bit, but feeling quite intimidated when the instructor said, "Now, I can show y'all a great shortcut for the jazz-box." The what? Everyone else there was shaking their heads up and down like they knew what he was talking about... Strike two.

So, we went and played miniature golf instead! A. shot 3 hole-in-one's! Three! I won't say who won the game! :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Greener Pastures

I have an assistant.  As of next Thursday, I will be saying, "I had an assistant."  In a mutually agreed benefit to both of us, my assistant has found another position.  I am quite sure she will be happier with her new employer - her husband!  As they say, all's well that ends well.  It has certainly ended well.  So, I wish her well and best of luck.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Check this out:
Quite amazing!


Coming back to the office is always interesting. I've been out of the office for 2 entire days but the amount of messages, emails and 'other' items that accumulate during that period seem to amount to a week. How does that happen? So, a busy day indeed.

This morning, I got to mow my lawn - twice. It was too long with all of the recent rain to be able to mow normally. I raised the deck up one notch and mowed in one direction, then lowered it to the normal position and mowed perpendicularly to the first pass. Two hours later, a fine looking yard!

It's starting to feel like fall - my favorite season! Enjoy the weather!
