I found a great website today pre-work hours whilst browsing the internet. It's a photographer's website and he offers many tips and tricks on all things photographic. His website: http://www.johnpaulcaponigro.com/
A. and I went out last night as part of her 30-days of surprises. The original intent was going to the Country Barn & Market, and go into the pumpkin patch and get our own pumpkins. They only do that on Saturdays. Strike one. Well, this was a two part surprise; the other part was to do country line dancing. There was supposed to be an hour beginning of instruction and then they let you loose! We got into the big barn to get our country line learning on... these people that were already there - pros. Seriously, if there is a pro country line dancing circuit, these people were on it. We watched for a little bit, but feeling quite intimidated when the instructor said, "Now, I can show y'all a great shortcut for the jazz-box." The what? Everyone else there was shaking their heads up and down like they knew what he was talking about... Strike two.
So, we went and played miniature golf instead! A. shot 3 hole-in-one's! Three! I won't say who won the game! :)
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
1 week ago
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