I've officially let most everyone at my current work know that I'm looking elsewhere. It goes back several years really. In my very first interview with my now boss, I told him that I was not planning on being a sales person for life. I needed to move up in the world and if it worked out, I would move up within the company. As it turns out, not too much upward mobility. Not a huge deal though, there are other pastures out there - I'm not necessarily looking for a greener one, just another one that is green.
Thus the delay in posting. My daily 'struggle', as it were, has been looking for a new career opportunity. Which, on the on set doesn't really sound too time consuming. I was thinking of looking online and in the paper every once and a while, not giving it much time or thought. Kind of a, "If I see something that interests me, then I'll go for it" kind of thing. I wouldn't say that I've escalated to a full-scale "Operation New Career" DEFCON 5 or anything. Maybe I've gone from a 1 to a 3. So, increased urgency, but nevertheless, it's still by my choice which makes the pressure and urgency all self-imposed.
This past weekend was great! We got a Christmas tree on Saturday in record time. No joke. We were walking by the racks were the pre-cut trees are, and both A. and I saw a tree and said, "This one's great! But too bad it's tagged." Seconds later, to our surprise, the "tagged" tree was tagged with a price tag - not a reserved tag! A. went around to other trees to see if there were any other viable options while I stood quasi in line and tell people that they can get in front of me... 20 minutes later, we're on the road back home. Good stuff.
Another great thing; saw my best friend since 5th grade. He and his wife might be moving to the area - yay! Big YAY! And, they're "with child." Kind of weird at first to know that the kid you used to play GI Joes with is going to be a dad. Oddly enough, that was the first thing I thought of. The mind is weird like that. So, now, not only do I have find myself a 'job' but I'm on the hunt for him as well! He hasn't charged me with the duty, but what else are friends for, right?
Well, it's now 8:01 AM on a Monday morning. A wicked cold morning. Like 18 degrees when I woke up cold. B-r-r-r.
I'll get back to work now... I'll do better with posting. I apologize.
Don't forget to visit my photoblog here.
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