I've been reading and studying more about photography as of late. It is interesting the number of different approaches you can take to learn to do something. Some just do it and learn 'on-the-job', which is good for experimenting. Some have to learn from being with or watching someone else do it, until they get comfortable doing it themselves. I do both of these approaches, but also do the learn-by-reading method. It's always been something that I believe in; if you can read it and read it to understand it, you can do it.
I think that is a problem with a lot of people... they want things done for them. No one seems to want to actually 'do' (let alone learn!). It ties into our 'now' society that we've created with fast-food, drive-thru's, instant coffee and instant downloads. There are some people that haven't read a book since high school. Not bad if you're a freshman or sophomore in college; really bad if you're turning 50 this year. Reading for fun/enjoyment or to gain knowledge doesn't seem to happen anymore. So my challenge to the 2 people that may read this is to go and read a book between now and the end of the year.
Currently reading: "Sell and Resell your Photos" and "The Kite Runner".
Don't forget to visit my photoblog here.
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