Thursday, December 11, 2008

Deltec Homes New Model Home

Deltec Homes New Model Home, originally uploaded by rbpeterson2.

Deltec Homes new model home is now open. It is quite nice. If you are in the Asheville, NC area, I would recommend checking it out. You can see it here.

My new job search is now in full swing. It is amazing how many different job boards and forums are out there for job seekers. How do all of these places stay in business? I guess it doesn't take much money to run a website... ? In any case, I've found a few opportunities that interest me, at least on the surface. You never know until you actually talk to someone about the position. I'm focusing in the Operations / Supply Chain end of things. Getting back to my educational roots, as it were. I think being in Sales definitely has helped me see that what you're selling isn't always that the customer is buying.

I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Don't forget to visit my photoblog here.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Wicked Long Time

So it's been a wicked long time since my last post... which was... Yeah, that long ago.

I've officially let most everyone at my current work know that I'm looking elsewhere. It goes back several years really. In my very first interview with my now boss, I told him that I was not planning on being a sales person for life. I needed to move up in the world and if it worked out, I would move up within the company. As it turns out, not too much upward mobility. Not a huge deal though, there are other pastures out there - I'm not necessarily looking for a greener one, just another one that is green.

Thus the delay in posting. My daily 'struggle', as it were, has been looking for a new career opportunity. Which, on the on set doesn't really sound too time consuming. I was thinking of looking online and in the paper every once and a while, not giving it much time or thought. Kind of a, "If I see something that interests me, then I'll go for it" kind of thing. I wouldn't say that I've escalated to a full-scale "Operation New Career" DEFCON 5 or anything. Maybe I've gone from a 1 to a 3. So, increased urgency, but nevertheless, it's still by my choice which makes the pressure and urgency all self-imposed.

This past weekend was great! We got a Christmas tree on Saturday in record time. No joke. We were walking by the racks were the pre-cut trees are, and both A. and I saw a tree and said, "This one's great! But too bad it's tagged." Seconds later, to our surprise, the "tagged" tree was tagged with a price tag - not a reserved tag! A. went around to other trees to see if there were any other viable options while I stood quasi in line and tell people that they can get in front of me... 20 minutes later, we're on the road back home. Good stuff.

Another great thing; saw my best friend since 5th grade. He and his wife might be moving to the area - yay! Big YAY! And, they're "with child." Kind of weird at first to know that the kid you used to play GI Joes with is going to be a dad. Oddly enough, that was the first thing I thought of. The mind is weird like that. So, now, not only do I have find myself a 'job' but I'm on the hunt for him as well! He hasn't charged me with the duty, but what else are friends for, right?

Well, it's now 8:01 AM on a Monday morning. A wicked cold morning. Like 18 degrees when I woke up cold. B-r-r-r.

I'll get back to work now... I'll do better with posting. I apologize.

Don't forget to visit my photoblog here.

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