Thursday, February 12, 2009

Did you lose your cell phone service?

If you suddenly lost your cell phone service, this may be why: Russian, U.S. satellites collide in space. The article doesn't give any details to what the function of the U.S. satellite was other than it was Motorola "Iridium global mobile communications system" satellite. Which means absolutely nothing to most people. Luckily, there's Wikipedia! You can read more about "Iridium" (not the element) here.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

That's a load of cash...

If you're wondering where all the money is supposed to be going for the "stimulus" package that is in every newscast headline... there's a great graphic found here:
Taking Apart the $819 billion Stimulus Package -
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Winding Roads - Life's Adventures

There is a spot along a back road that I've always wanted to take a picture of. It's on the way to a park that A. and I go to for hiking. It's not too far away and when the days are longer, we can actually rush up to the park and get a good hour of being outdoors. This past weekend, we didn't need to rush, so I was able to stop by this particular spot and finally capture a few images. As it turned out, I got a biker making his way up the hill. It really doesn't appear to be that steep, but when you get right up on it... I'll just say that the biker was struggling a bit.

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Monday, February 9, 2009

Seeing color in sounds

Just another interesting read... I can't even imagine having something like this...

Seeing color in sounds has genetic link -

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100 meters

This website (and photographer) have some really great images and concepts. The 100 meters project is an intriguing idea - it's 100 meters of photographs taken over the course of 20 days in one spot of people that really don't know they're being photographed. The idea is that we are taking a lot of information, love, feelings, etc. to the grave if we don't start being open and sharing with those around us...

Check it out.

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