Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mowing in the fall

Isn't it unbelievable how frequently you have to mow in the fall? All of a sudden, the grass decides to take on a life of its own and it's hard to keep up! I just got back from NC on Sunday night, mowed on Monday morning and I did it again this evening! (Monday, I had to mow twice since it was so high.)

I digress. I've picked up a new t.v. show this fall and dropped Heroes. Heroes is a good show, but I can't keep up with it on the day that it's on and I have usually watched 1 show earlier that night so it makes me think I've seen enough t.v. by that point. The new show is Fringe on Fox. It's a bit X-Files-ish/CSI/Knight Rider(the older good one)/A-team-ish. Yeah, hard to believe a show with that mix would actually be good, but it is!

I got A.'s big 3-0 present today. She's either going to be excited or upset; t-minus 7 days til we find out which one it will be!

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